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Awakening and Ascension

By Kim Hutchinson

Awakening from the Dream

“Life is but a dream, within a dream.” – William Shakespeare

Ascension refers to the awakening process and re-expansion of consciousness that shifts us from the illusion of separation back into Source Oneness.

Awakening is the process of remembering who you truly are. When you incarnated on Earth, you voluntarily contracted spiritual amnesia; however, the time has come to awaken from this dream and begin our return home to Source. In order to do so, we must expand our conscious awareness to encompass a much wider reality.

As we awaken and embark on the journey of ascension, we inspire others to do the same. In fact, each of us has the responsibility of helping to awaken the people in our life. That doesn’t mean you have convince others of your spiritual beliefs; instead, live an inspired and inspirational life. The best teachers aren’t lecturers; they’re role models.

Ascension is the process of unplugging from the drama of 3D Earth School, and creating a new, loving shared vision with light-minded souls. The process of ascension is more about releasing the human perspective and embracing your soul’s authentic and eternal wisdom of perfect love, than it is about doing anything specific. Don’t do; be. Don’t think or analyze; love and be loved. That’s because, on a soul plane, you are already ascended. No matter how much your human brain is entrenched in fear, your spirit is ensconced in divine love.

Most people who are undergoing the process move through these seven typical stages of spiritual awakening. A person can go through these levels in almost any order. It’s common to have symptoms known as the ‘ascension flu‘, but these fluctuate over time.

Helpful Tips

  • Meditate regularly
  • Set your intention to be a crystal-clear channel for the divine.
  • Follow your intuition daily.
  • Set your intention to absorb more light, and be sure to ground that energy into the Earth.
  • Visualize your spirit lightbody expanding until it encompasses the globe, then the solar system, then the galaxy and, finally, the universe.
  • Live your Truth.


  • Kim Hutchinson

    Kim is a highly empathic spiritual healer who journeys with souls to higher realms to help them reconnect with their perfection. Her writing has been featured in several publications including Newsweek Magazine's Spiritual Living Special Edition.

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