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Stairway to Heaven

By Steve Clayton

Unseasonably warm temperatures and sunny skies have help to boost the mood here. But there’s something else at play, and is Mother Earth herself. She is in a ‘heavenly’ mood and her energy is feeling very fifth dimensional.

Heavenly Days

I started my day by hanging clothes outside to dry in the sun. As I was pinning clothes to the line, I heard the following lyrics from Led Zeppelin’s epic song, ‘Stairway to Heaven’:

And a new day will dawn
For those who stand long
And the forests will echo with laughter

These words kept repeating in my head until I was singing and dancing along to them. (I am sure I gave the neighbours a chuckle.)

As much as I love that song, I was curious as to why it had popped into my head. I shared this with Kim, and she told me that I was not alone. She had just read a Facebook post about Led Zeppelin.

This synchronicity prompted me to reflect upon the song and lyrics. That is when I realized that ’Stairway to Heaven’ was the perfect description for the way Mother Earth feels today. Her vibrational energy is stronger than I have ever felt. It is very fifth dimensional!

To be certain, I did a quick grounding and healing meditation with 5-D Mother Earth. Immediately felt immense joy, lightness and love, all hallmarks of the fifth dimension.

Following the meditation, I was drawn to a book by Thich Nhat Hanh. In it, I found these fitting words:

“You carry Mother Earth within you. She is not outside of you. Mother Earth is not just your environment. In that insight of inter-being, it is possible to have real communication with the Earth, which is the highest form of prayer.”


I encourage you to do your own meditation with Mother Earth over the next few days to experience this joy firsthand. Set your intention to connect your heart to hers.

If you are not able to meditate, you may wish to book a session with an energy healer who has a strong, pure connection with Gaia. That way, you can experience Gaia’s joy through the channeled energy.*

Either way, I wish you great joy. May you walk in peace and gratitude.


*If you are looking for a healer:

I am happy to help. Here is my newest service:

Mother Earth HealingGaia, along with her trees, waterfalls, mountains, meadows and lakes, all carry unique energy signatures that, when united with, help to restore your natural balance. Heal with the various elements and dimensions of Mother Earth. Steve begins by connecting your energy to the heart of Mother Earth’s and allowing your energies to merge. He will then connect you with the various tree family energies; waterways and land areas, and allow them to cleanse and restore your energy to its optimal level. Available via distance healing. To book, or for more information >>


  • Kim Hutchinson

    Kim is a highly empathic spiritual healer who journeys with souls to higher realms to help them reconnect with their perfection. Her writing has been featured in several publications including Newsweek Magazine's Spiritual Living Special Edition.

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