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How We Heal with Angels

We were asked to contribute to the book Angelic Healing: Change your life with help from the angels, by Jenny Smedley. In Angelic Healing, Jenny combines the wisdom that she has channeled from the angels with inspiring true-life accounts of people whose lives have been transformed by the power of angelic healing. Each chapter looks at a different form of healing, including angelic reiki, quantum angel healing, divine universal healing, and angelic Ayurveda. In a straightforward and down-to-earth manner, Jenny looks at how each therapy is practiced, and offers case studies of people who have been helped by a particular healing method. By tapping into the power of angelic healing and learning how to connect to your angels, you can overcome challenges and create positive change in your life.

Kim’s Past Life Healing with Angels

I’ve always had a strong desire to help people, coupled with an affinity for the spiritual. I guess you could say that healing with angels was a natural outcome. The angels initially came to me following an impassioned conversation with God during which I asked for the ability to help heal the world. Several angels appeared and told me that they had been with me throughout my life. They explained that they had been conversing telepathically with me since I was a child. Along with my clairaudience, they helped me to embrace and develop my other extrasensory gifts, including my healing capacity. They also guided me to Earthly teachers and helped with practical matters such as starting my healing business. Given how much help I’ve received from the angelic realm, I think it’s safe to conclude that Angel Therapy is a key part of my life purpose.

I began my healing path by giving angel readings. I had studied Reiki and other forms of energy healing, but I didn’t fully resonate with them. My intuitive gifts, however, were enhanced and clarified by these healing modalities. That allowed me to act as a channel for the angelic realm. Over the course of several years, I ‘downloaded’ a fair bit of past life information during my readings. Past lives had always fascinated me, and my interest in them is what led to the karmic healing. People who were interested in past lives gravitated to me, thanks to the Law of Attraction. Many clients would ask if I offered past life regressions. Naively, I began to practice regressions on my husband and friends, only to discover the process had the potential to cause great harm in untrained hands. There’s a risk in getting stuck in past life trauma if you don’t know what you’re doing. I immediately stopped the regressions, and yet the requests for help with karmic healing continued to pour in. I didn’t know how to help people.

Naturally, my angelic friends came to the rescue again. They told me about their karmic healing technique which they simply call Past Life Healing. They explained that the potential dangers inherent in regressions could be minimized, or even eliminated, by healing the person first before providing them with past life details. They also recommended that I act as a witness for patients in lieu of them re-experiencing their prior trauma. Both of these techniques serve as necessary buffers, and they allow the patient to release their karma in the present instead of getting stuck in the past.

Every healing I do with the angels is unique. The angels customize each treatment to suit the individual. Despite variances, the healings share several commonalities. For starters, they are all distance healings, meaning I perform them remotely. I let the recipient know ahead of time how to prepare. I then ask the person to send me the issues she wishes to release along with a recent photograph, preferably one showing her eyes, the gateway to the soul. At a mutually agreeable time I begin the healing process by inviting Archangels Raphael, Michael and Raziel, and the other angels of healing, along with the recipient’s guardian angels and higher selves, to facilitate the healing. I also check with the recipient’s soul to ensure that the healing is in her highest interest. If so, I set the intention to be a crystal clear channel for the Divine, and then I go into a deep meditative state. On the spirit plane, I meet with the angels and the person’s soul. The process is similar to lucid dreaming.

To begin, the angels may perform an initial healing depending on the patient’s needs. Typically, they take people to a healing facility in their realm such as the Crystal Palace, or to a natural environment like a waterfall. Water, crystals, music, energy and love are frequently employed in the healing process. I also assist with the healing by utilizing my intuition along with my training in energetic and angelic therapy.

Once the patient’s energy is clear, Archangel Raziel enables the karmic healing by helping us move through past timelines…or so it appears. In actuality, everything happens in the present. I may visualize us moving through a tunnel, over a bridge, or spinning in a vortex of Archangel Michael’s creation. As we enter each of the past lives, the setting will be momentarily obscured by fog. The mist then dissipates and a scene plays out featuring the patient in a previous incarnation. I observe every detail as closely as possible so that I can share these with the patient after the healing. In a typical session, the angels will take us to approximately six past lives although there have been as few as three and as many as a dozen. Some past life scenarios are happy and some are rather gloomy. The past lives that we visit are specific to the issues that the patient wishes to heal. The angels, in their immense wisdom, know exactly which past lives we should visit, and they are adept at balancing the painful memories with joyful recollections. At the end of each painful visit, the angels will heal whatever issues arise. For the positive incarnations, they energetically transmit the happy energy to the patient. In both scenarios, there is always information to be gleaned. Perhaps there is a past life connection with a person or place. Maybe the person has a skill that could be utilized in their present life. Whatever needs to be recalled is given to me to pass on to the patient.

After the past lives have been explored, we return to the present timeline. The patient’s well-being is reassessed, and if necessary, she receives another healing. At this point, I emerge from my dream state. Before I forget any details, I immediately make a recording of all my observations. The information I receive is generally detailed and specific. Interestingly, I notice as I am relaying the information, how neatly and perfectly the past life experiences address the client’s concerns. I then email this digital file to the client so she can listen to it after she receives the healing energy from the angels.

The angels are so adept at moulding the healings to each person’s unique needs that it is difficult to anticipate what the recipient might experience. Overall though, the healing experience tends to be a relaxing one. The client may feel energy moving around or through their body. They may also sense heat, chills, colour, light, geometric forms, dreams and other visualizations, sounds, memories, tastes and smells. Then again, they may sense absolutely nothing. No matter what happens, the healing works.

I am positively affected by every healing. Whenever I work with the angels, I too am healed. Afterwards, I feel lighter, happier and healthier. There’s an abundance of gratitude at the end of every healing, both on the patient’s and my behalf. It’s a great privilege to be a part of the healing process. Helping others heal is also deeply rewarding.

Steve’s Vibrational Energy Healing with Angels

I always enjoyed being able to help people whenever the opportunity arose, but I did not realize what a positive effect I could have on the well-being of others until I discovered Full-Spectrum Vibrational Energy Healing. My wife Kim helped me to recognize my innate ability and she encouraged me to study energy healing.

I went on to study several energy modalities, including Reiki, along with crystal and sound healing. This process helped to expand my limited five-sensory view of the world. It also introduced me to the angels. What my left brain might have once scoffed at, I was able to embrace wholeheartedly with the help of angels. I not only felt the angelic energy in my heart, but I could feel the difference between the archangels themselves, from Michael’s forceful presence to Raphael’s gentle energy.

When I began to call on the angels for assistance during my healings my clients, responded by telling me the treatments felt more powerful; a loving partnership was formed. I knew then I had found my life’s purpose. The more I worked with the angels, the more my awareness expanded, and I realized I was not limited to just helping people in the here and now; I could help them in all directions of time and on multiple dimensions. From the beginning, people have told me that I am ‘out there’. I reply by placing my hand over my heart and saying, “No, I am in here and it feels terrific.”

The human mind loves to complicate things, giving them a sense of grandeur or importance, but the simple answer is I heal from faith. Everything in the universe – and quite possibly the multiverse – is made of the same energy, and that energy works the same way in everything. The only difference is the vibratory rate of the molecules which make up a particular object, giving rise to different levels of consciousness or dimensions. Once we accept our connection to everything, the paradigm of our previous beliefs falls away and then anything is possible. ‘Energy Follows Thought’ is the new age mantra which encompasses not just healing but all aspect of our lives. When you think it, have faith in it and fill it with Love, then it will come to be. This is also true for any negative thoughts one may have. Being in one’s heart and working in conjunction with the angels helps keep negativity at bay.

No two healings are ever the same, but there are basic practices which I following. To begin a healing session I ground myself to Mother Earth and if applicable, to the patient’s planet of origin. (This information is provided intuitively by my angelic guides.) I then ask to become a crystal clear connection and channel for the Energy. I invite Archangel Michael to clear negative energy from my client and me. I also ask Archangel Raphael to help guide the session, and I remain open to receiving help from any angels or spirit guides who may wish to assist. Since all healing comes from Love, I request that my higher self help keep me in my heart and I ask the person’s higher self for permission to facilitate the healing. After this I set the intention to heal on all dimensional levels and in all directions of time, releasing everything that is not in the person’s highest good. Then I simply get out of the way and allow the Energy to flow through me, guiding me as it deems fit.

I don’t have expectations when it comes to healing. I discovered very quickly that everyone experiences these sessions differently. The same person can have a totally different experience from one healing session to the next. I do not wish to implant expectations, so I ask them to clear their minds as best they can or to think and feel only loving thoughts.

I am definitely and positively affected by each healing. A sense of calm and peace washes through me. I will often feel as good, if not better, at the end of a healing as when I began. This is the tricky part. When I teach about healing, I stress that if a healer is using his or her own energy during a session, they will feel drained during and/or after the session. They may also feel as though they are going to spontaneously combust. Conversely, if a healer feels charged up after a session, then he or she may be (unknowingly) taking a lot of the energy for him or herself rather than allowing it to flow into their client. A healer is a facilitator and a witness rather than being the actual source or cause of the healing.

During a healing session, the angels calm me, guide me, and occasionally give me messages to relay to the patient. I ask for and gratefully receive whatever help they wish to give me.


  • Kim is a highly empathic spiritual healer who journeys with souls to higher realms to help them reconnect with their perfection. Her writing has been featured in several publications including Newsweek Magazine's Spiritual Living Special Edition.

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6 thoughts on “How We Heal with Angels”

    1. Hi Charles,

      Thanks for your question. I wouldn’t necessarily say that Past Life Healing applies to the Dark Night of the Soul. That’s a separate issue. Also, the Dark Night is something which we experience on our journey of spiritual enlightenment, so it’s not an ailment. That being said, this form of healing can help alleviate the severity and length of the symptoms of the Dark Night purification process.

      In love and light,

      1. Thank you so much for your reply Kim. I’m very new to this experience. I used to be a very jovial individual basically the life of the party and now since I’ve been going through the dark night its the complete opposite I’m in a lot of pain i can barely think, thoughts very hazy, I’m awkwardly shy, I want to sleep in all day, I want to be alone all the time. I’m unemployed and about to be homeless. I don’t feel confident under the current circumstances that i would be able to survive on the streets and I’m scared I will lose my opportunity to ascend towards enlightenment. I need all the help I can get so when the time comes for me to beat the streets I can be functional. Any and all advice would greatly be appreciated. Love and Light

        1. Charles, I’m so sorry you’re having such a painful experience. Having experienced many of the same things, my heart goes out to you. Essentially what you’re experiencing is the death of the (malignant) ego. This is what cuts you off from others. The battle you’re fighting is internal. It’s akin to depression, except that it is spiritual rather than mental in nature. The ego is fighting for its life, and thus it resists the purification process. You need to release everything that no longer serves your higher good. Non-resistance is the key. The greater the resistance, the more painful the symptoms. That being said, non-resistance is not easy. In fact, your ego will do everything in its power to cling to the old, but your higher self know better. That is why your external world is falling away. In order to break ego’s hold, you have to surrender everything it holds dear. It’s like the old adage: “Beware the man who has nothing left to lose”. That man is absolutely fearless. When you lose everything your ego values, its fear-based hold on you shatters. I’m not advocating that you lose everything; I’m just explaining why you find yourself in such a dire predicament. You have opted to break the ego’s hold over you in a dramatic fashion. Knowing that, take heart, and use this knowledge to propel you back into the light. Understand that the darkness, fear and ego are all illusions. You’re a child of Love and Light. Your current experiences are simply a dream that your soul is having. It wants to better understand Love and Light, but it cannot do so without contrast. You’re almost through this learning curve, and when you emerge on the other side of the Dark Night, you will rediscover the joy and beauty of the world. You are the phoenix, being purified by fire. Once you have rid yourself of the ego fears, you will be ‘reborn’ or transformed as a freer, happier higher-vibrational version of you.
          My love to you,

          1. Thank you sooooooo much for your explaining it in such detail and with so much love and compassion. I really need that in my life right now as it feels I’m falling apart under this condition its hard for me to motivate myself into doing anything. I’m constantly tired from the worry of where to go once I’m on the streets and then from the dark night. Is their anyway i can boost my energy to get me through this so I can survive on the streets? Do you have any experience regarding a bad twin soul experience? I believe my dark night started after meeting this person. Once again thank you so much for your help. Much love and light Kim

            1. You’re welcome, Charles.

              I wrote an article based on your questions. This contains all my knowledge on the topic of the dark night of the soul:

              I know you’re scared right now, and I wish there was more I do for you, but I haven’t had a bad twin soul experience nor can I help you with facing homelessness. Those issues are outside of my expertise so I have asked the angels to help you, instead.

              Much love to you too,

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