Spiritual Insights

With Kim Hutchinson

Reconnect with divine consciousness. See life from a higher perspective. Receive peace of heart and mind, along with inspiration. 

Spiritual wisdom

Illuminate Your Path

Realign with your divine origins, your soul's history and your spiritual loved ones.

Awaken with Love

Spiritual Wisdom unites your soul across dimensions, densities and timelines with to help you remember who you really are: a wise, limitless, eternal light Being of Light and Love.

Integrate the Light

Reawaken to the fact that you are both the dream and the dreamer. Reclaim the happiness that is your divine birthright. Reintegrate higher dimensional wisdom and gifts. Expand your consciousness. Accelerate your awakening and ascension.

A Higher Perspective

Life doesn't come with an instruction manual, but thankfully Spirit can help! Whether you are seeking clarity, peace of mind, or enlightenment a Spiritual Wisdom session can help cut through the confusion, give you a sense of security, and shine a light into the darkness.

Spiritual Wisdom Process

Click the headings below to learn more about each step of the process, and what to expect.

After you purchase a Spiritual Wisdom session, Kim will contact you via email to let you know what she requires in order to help you. This will include your area(s) of interest. Kim will then let you know what day she plans to consult with Divine Consciousness for illuminating insights. As this is a spiritual process, it happens outside space-time limitations; therefore, there is no need to coordinate a time.

The purpose of this session is to bring you peace of mind and heart by offering a higher, more loving, and enlightened perspective on life on Earth. Unlike a predictive (psychic) reading, which forecasts what is likely to happen in the future, a Spiritual Wisdom session aims to broaden your perspective, helping you grasp the infinite potential in all matters. Your Higher Self will empower you to live the life you desire by aligning you with your spiritual gifts and soul purpose.

Kim will prepare for the spiritual wisdom session by asking for your highest self's permission. She will also ask for the help of your multidimensional soul, spirit guides, angels, and Source. Then, Kim will channel higher dimensional perspectives about your area(s) of interest. She may also connect with Source consciousness through meditation or lucid dreaming.

Kim will make a digital audio recording detailing the spiritual insights revealed. She will also interpret the symbolism of the messages, and explain any concepts that may be new to you. Kim will then email you a link to the recording. You can listen online, and then download it for safekeeping. Once saved to your cloud storage and/or device(s), you can listen to the audio recording as many times as you wish.

Purchase a Spiritual Insights Session

This is the first step in booking a session. Kim will then be in touch to make arrangements.
Purchase of this service indicates that you agree to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.

Spiritual Wisdom:
1-2 Topics



Spiritual Wisdom:
3 - 4 Topics



Happy Clients

"I am so blessed to have received the wonderful insights and healings that have changed my life in so many positive and amazing ways! To anyone who is in a negative place or to that person who may just want to learn more about themselves and who they really are as souls I hope you take that leap of faith and know that you are in amazing hands! I was received with so much kindness and understanding that it felt like I was speaking with an old friend. I have learned so many important lessons about why I was the way I was and who I truly am at my core that I can now move forward into a more loving and positive existence all thanks to the lovely Kim."

Evan Solis

"Recommending Kim is easy. She is a beautiful Angelic human. Very connected to Source, highly intuitive. Messages that came through for me were uplifting and true."

Pamela Cail

"Kim is such a kind heart and infinitely wise. Her ability to listen and with the divine for guidance and counsel is unmatched. You may not be able to understand how Kim was able to access this information and wisdom... but one thing is for sure, you simply know that it comes from a place of love and authenticity. I am honoured to count you as one of my treasured counsellors."

Remi Boudreau